Magyar verzió Magyar verzió
Pályázatírás - Tiszta verseny!

The 21st century set the pace; it means great competition and permanent changing for everyone.  It is especially true nowadays when we are burdened by the influence of the global financial and economic crisis. Hungary's policy covers a package deal of 14 billion forints for helping enterprises and 18 billion forints for supporting the building trade. This endavour manifests itself in tendering, too.

Our company’s main activity is to support the micro-, small- and medium-sized organizations. Since Hungary joined the European Union, the number of calls for proposals for the competitive sector has been increasing. More and more economic organization realize the financial opportunities in calls for proposals, which could help them to achieve their business development or to carry out their short- and long-term plans.

The national, international calls for proposals and the financial possibilities granted by the European Union are always available. Our company follows the contracting institutions with attention, so we can consult at any time with those interested – whenever the company already has an exact tender-project or only a good idea which needs some financial support. If You have some problem while preparing a grant or need some professional advice, let us help You! We are at Your service!

We wish you all the best!

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